
Coding Standards

Falcon follows Drupal 8 Coding standards.

To check code on your local environment, run the following commands:

  1. make code:check - checks all PHP & Javascript code against Drupal and DrupalPractice coding standards.
  2. make code:fix - attempts to automatically fix some of found issues in PHP & Javascript code.


We’d love to have you helping with Falcon documentation.

All documentation is stored in the main Falcon repo in docs folder. We use reStructuredText format and hosting for our documentation.

Getting started

You can start contributing using GitHub edit feature. All you need to do is to clone the repo, edit one of .rst files and submit PR as usual.

Haven’t used reStructuredText before? Don’t worry! Check out a couple of examples to get started.

Building on local

If you’d like to build Falcon docs on your local please uncomment sphinxdocs service in docker-compose.override.yml and run make up. Now all your changes in docs folder are tracked and automatically built in docs/_build/html folder.