

Falcon uses Codeception framework to test its functions, modules, features and API endpoints. Tests are integrated in development workflow using Circle CI.

Every time when someone opens a new pull request on Github, Circle CI executes the following tasks:

  • Checkout code from the corresponding git branch.
  • Spin up docker containers.
  • Install Falcon and all its features.
  • Run tests.

If you are interested in details of Falcon CI setup, you can find latest Circle CI configuration file here: https://github.com/systemseed/falcon/blob/master/.circleci/config.yml

Running tests on local

First, run make tests:prepare to initialize testing framework. Now, you can run all Codeception tests using make tests:run command. You can run a specific test suite by passing its name as a second parameter:

# Run API test suite only
make tests:run api
# Run unit test suite only
make tests:run unit

You can pass any extra options to codecept bin if you need:

# Run API tests from group "failed".
make tests:run api -- -g failed

Tests structure

There are two Codeception test suites in /tests folder: API and Unit. Both have connection to Drupal 8 API and to the database which allows developers to implement sophisticated and granular tests.

API tests

This type of tests is suitable for testing of API (REST) endpoints. You can find examples of API tests here: https://github.com/systemseed/falcon/tree/master/tests/api

Read more: https://codeception.com/docs/modules/REST#Actions

Unit tests

Suitable for classic unit tests and integration tests with runtime access to Drupal code and database.

You can find examples of unit tests here: https://github.com/systemseed/falcon/tree/master/tests/unit

Read more: https://codeception.com/docs/05-UnitTests

Writing tests

Each new feature, or API endpoint, or pure PHP function should be covered by tests.

When adding a new test to the Falcon distribution developer should decide if it will cover basic distribution installation or not. If it covers basic installation distribution it should be added to basic tests group. If not than it should be added to additional group. For example:

 * @group basic
public function testBasic()

If you wrote a test for additional group than you should add module this test covers into ADDITIONAL_MODULES variable in env.default file. It’s recommended to store tests in subfolders with the same name as Falcon module or feature to test. For example, if you want to test function falcon_development_install you need to put your test into tests/unit/falcon_development/ folder.

Before you start writing tests we recommend to run the following command:

# Optional. Creates ".codecept" folder with Codeception sources in project root.
make tests:autocomplete

It will enable autocomplete of available test methods in most of popular IDEs. Now you can start writing tests and run them using make tests:run.

To access codecept cli directly run:

make tests:cli

It will allow you to run codecept commands to generate new tests or run a specific test if you need. See list of available commands here: https://codeception.com/docs/reference/Commands